1. General Provisions

The following provisions constitute the Privacy Policy ("Policy") that defines information regarding the collection of data, including personal data of users of the service(s) provided by Nanshe Sp. z.o.o., with its registered office at ul. Cegielniana 4a/15, Krakow 30-404, Poland, Tax ID: PL6793270133, and the manner of their processing.

2. Personal Data

2.1 Personal data in the Store are processed by the Administrator in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR).

2.2 Providing personal data is voluntary, but providing designated personal data is a condition for placing an order, and the consequence of not providing them will be the inability to order products in the store.

2.3 Data are properly protected against access by third parties, and on the store's website, they are transmitted using an SSL certificate (lock icon on the page), which ensures secure data encryption and confidentiality.

2.4. The Administrator may process personal data in the Store for the following purposes, periods, and to the following extent:

2.4.1. Order fulfillment (execution of a sales contract)

Data processing scope:
- Name and surname;
- Email address;
- Contact phone number;
- Delivery address (street, house number, apartment number, postal code, city, country),
- Residential/business address (if different from the delivery address).
- For companies: company name and tax identification number (NIP)

2.4.2. These data will be stored for no longer than 2 years from the date of the last order (the period necessary to retain data on the basis of the Administrator's legitimate interest arising from separate legal provisions - warranty and guarantee).

2.4.3. Data necessary for order fulfillment are also processed for the purpose of performing legal actions by the Administrator, e.g., for accounting purposes. For this purpose, the data will be kept for a period of 5 years. Legal basis for processing: Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract).

3. Recipients of Personal Data

3.1 Personal data of Customers may be disclosed to the following recipients:

- Carriers - in the case of a Customer who uses postal or courier delivery, the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to the selected carrier, forwarder, or intermediary performing shipments on behalf of the Administrator, to the extent necessary to complete the delivery of the product to the Customer.
- Entities handling electronic payments or payment cards - in the case of a Customer who uses electronic payments or payment cards in the Store, the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to the selected entity handling the above payments in the Store at the Customer's request, to the extent necessary to handle the payment made by the Customer.
- Suppliers of technical and IT solutions (providers of computer software for running the Store, email, and hosting service) - the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to the selected provider acting on his behalf only in the case and to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of data processing in accordance with this privacy policy.
- Accounting service providers - the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to the selected provider acting on his behalf only in the case and to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of data processing in accordance with this privacy policy.

4. Cookies

Nansheshop.pl automatically collects data contained in cookies files when using the website of the online store. Cookies, i.e., small text files sent to the user's computer, identify them as necessary to perform a specific operation, e.g., for authentication, collecting statistical data, or saving data in contact or order forms.

Cookies are harmless to the computer and the user and their data. The condition for the operation of cookies is their acceptance by the browser and not deleting them from the disk. In many cases, software used for browsing websites (browsers) by default allows storing cookies on the user's end device. However, the user can change the cookie settings in the browser settings, especially in such a way as to block their automatic handling in the browser settings or inform about their each time they are placed in the user's device. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling cookies are available in the software (browser) settings. However, not allowing cookies may cause the service or its individual functionalities to not work correctly.

Instructions on how to disable the use of cookies in specific web browsers are available on the following pages:

- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Apple Safari
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Opera

5. Free Newsletter Subscription

Subscribing to electronic and free newsletters belonging to Nansheshop.pl requires providing your email address and other data, e.g., name, in the appropriate form. The data obtained in this way are added to the mailing list of the services.

6. Messages

Nansheshop.pl reserves the right to send messages to individuals whose contact details it has and who have consented to the processing of the provided data in forms, in accordance with the Privacy Policy. "Messages" by Nansheshop.pl refer to information directly related to its services, products (e.g., changes, internal promotions), non-commercial lists (e.g., wishes, personal comments, etc.), and commercial information (mailings, promotions, advertisements, other marketing materials). Entities commissioning commercial mailings do not have access to the contact details of persons on Nansheshop.pl's address lists.

7. Other Forms

Forms, pop-ups, and other forms found on sites owned by Nansheshop.pl and related to services, products, and services not provided by Nansheshop.pl are not subject to this "Privacy Policy."

8. User Rights Regarding Personal Data

Nansheshop.pl ensures that users who provide personal data have the right to exercise the rights resulting from the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amended), including the right to request the supplementation, updating, correction of personal data, temporary or permanent suspension of their processing, or their removal if they are incomplete, outdated, untrue, or have been collected in violation of the law or are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected. Users have the right to delete their personal data at any time by contacting us at contact@nansheshop.com. Nansheshop.pl uses technical and organizational measures to secure the personal data collected against unauthorized access or improper use by unauthorized persons.

9. Privacy Policy Changes

Nansheshop.pl reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy. The current "Privacy Policy" applies to every user of the Nansheshop.pl website. Nansheshop.pl will inform about changes to the Privacy Policy on the website.

10. Additional Information

Encourages contact in case of questions or concerns regarding the privacy policy. This privacy policy is important in the context of protecting the personal data of customers and users of the Nanshe online store. Individuals using the company's services should be aware of the principles and regulations described in this policy.